Zara Sets An Example By Joining The Reusable Bandwagon!

Alteration in buying habits can only happen when recognised brands take up greener initiatives. As teens and youngsters are avid fans of them, blindly impersonating the latest trends in fashion and accessories, probably the only way to wake them up to the resource crisis and pollution issues is by adopting eco-friendly alternatives. This blog post revolves around Zara, which has taken up an ecological idea and implemented it, causing quite a stir among its audience. However, before that, let us glance through some facts that have urged people to amend their habits. Fact 1: Plastic bans face the largest opposition from plastic industries and stubborn customers, who want to stick to their usual buying behaviour. Fact 2: In 2007, San Francisco banned plastic shopping bags and Los Angeles later emulated it in 2010. Fact 3: Plastics mainly cause ocean litters, cigarettes being the second most profuse source of it. Fact 4: As per the findings of Planet Ark, sea life o...